40 Booths of Countries and Regions Hit YSU Sport Stadium


International Day Festival is a series of the 8th Global Culture Festival that took place in YSU sport stadium. There were at least 30 countries and regions in Indonesia that participated in this agenda. Located in YSU Sport Stadium, approximately 40 booths were provided by the Committee to support this event. Each booth was decorated and adorned with knick knacks of countries or regions respectively, as well as a variety of information related to geographic, cultural aspects, and tourism which can be accessed by visitors. Even more, various specialties of the country or territory were also displayed at the booth.

International Day Festival organized by the Office of International Affairs and partnerships (KUIK) YSU was also attended by several YSU leaders, namely Vice Rector IV of YSU, Prof. Madya Suwarsih. In addition, Dr. Ing Satoto Endar Nayono, M. Eng., M.Sc. as the head of UNY KUIK conveyed "International Day Festival is a food and culture festival where every country and region of Indonesia spreads information on culinary and the landmarks in their respective countrie/region, so that the general public or YSU students can get acquantance with other culture".

Booth of Rwanda; one of the countries in Central Africa and is bordered by Uganda, Burundi, Congo, Tanzania; served a variety of its typical food, namely ifiriti, umugeri, ikidiya, and isosi. Furthermore, they also displayed various information about tourist attractions, such as the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre, a place to commemorate 250,000 victims of genocide, and the Volcans National Park, that is, a national park which is famous as the living place of mountain gorilla.

International Day Festival is the second agenda of the 8th Global Culture Festival and will be closed by the International Parade, namely the procession that will run from YSU Sport Stadium towards YSU Rectorate Building. Participants of the parade included YSU leaders, GURT Electric Car GURT, representatives from Student Organization in YSU, YSU Fashion Carnival, local and foreign students, and surrounding residents. (Adi)

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