Archive Management Internship Program for Students of YSU Educational Administration Department

Archive Management Internship Program for Students of YSU Educational Administration Department

Monday (March 9th, 2015) In collaboration with the Regional Library and Archive of Yogyakarta, YSU Educational Administration Department conducts an internship program in archive management for its students.
The Secretary of the Regional Library and Archive of Yogyakarta , Dra. Endah Pratiwi , welcomed the students of YSU Educational Administration Department in the opening ceremony of the intership program for Archive Management.
Endah Pratiwi also gave some introduction to the activities in the regional library and archive along with procedures for the internship program.
The students started their first day in the office of dynamic and static archives as Dra. Anna Nunuk Nuryani introduced them to the management of the archives, which is significant for storing information especially those related to institutional information.
Pandit Isbianti, the supervising lecturer, said that the internship program is compulsory for semester 6 students in the department. “The internship programs provides opportunities for students to gain experience and knowledge in archive management and its application in daily tasks including record, distribution, discovery, storage, preservation, assesment, reduction and removal of archives.

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