Biology Department Students Observe Monsoon Forest Ecosystem Characteristics

Biology Department Students Observe Monsoon Forest Ecosystem Characteristics

The monsoon forest ecosystem is a blend of dry and wet forest ecosystems. It can be found in many areas in Indonesia. One of them is West Bali National Park (WBNP). The national park covers an area of 600 hectares with diverse flora and fauna.
It appeals to five students of Biology Education Study Program to hold an observation to the monsoon forest in this national park. They are Rusmiasih, Fatimah Umi U., Nila Puspita Sari, Dhita Dewinta P, and Misbachun Aji S.
“It is easy to observe vegetation because it is highly sensitive to environmental factors,” Nila said. The students employed Quadrat Sampling Techniques which was plotless method. In addition, it is good to observe tree and pole ecosystem, such as forest vegetation.
The observation results show that the biological diversity in the National Park is considered not quite high because they is no naturally supportive environment and 17 plants observed are mostly from seedling. The unsupported biological diversity was measured through abiotic components which reveal that the humidity is low compared to the high temperature, the soil pH is considered acid and the vegetation does not get enough sunlight.
“Thus, the National Park is considered as a dry area with high biological diversity. However, it plays an ecological role in supporting the ecosystem, especially as a conservation area for endemic and rare flora and fauna.

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