Creating a Roadmap for Study Completion through Writing Camp


One of the things that determines the success of studies in the Masters Program is the completion of the thesis. Based on the results of monitoring, students in the Class of 2019 and 2020 experienced many obstacles, especially meetings with lecturers became awkward and did not have the same view of the direction of research. Another problem faced is publication as a requirement to graduate/take a diploma. The condition of the completion of this final project needs to be monitored, so that the students concerned immediately fulfill all the necessary requirements. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the final project and student publications, then follow up with a meeting of supervisors with students in a writing camp.

In an event held by the Research and Evaluation Education Master Program of UNY Postgraduate School, students were asked to make a roadmap and target for completing their studies, especially in completing a thesis. Then the roadmap is used as a reference to always control themselves so as not to take too long in college. In addition, the roadmap is submitted to the supervisor or coordinator of the study program so that it can be used to monitor the learning progress of the student concerned.

Prof. Dr. Heri Retnawati, M.Pd. as the coordinator of Research and Evaluation Education Master Program of UNY Graduate School gave several tips for the thesis to be completed soon. One of them is that if you have started working on the dissertation, do not "double" work or accept work, because later the dissertation will not be completed. In addition, students are also given the opportunity to convey input and suggestions related to the final project guidance process. Then the input and suggestions from students are followed up by the study program coordinator or supervisor.(Writer: Anton, Editor: Dedy, Translator: Dewi)

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