Cultural and Creative Industries to Strengthen Indonesian Economy in the ASEAN Economic Community

Reviewing Cultural and Creative Industries to Strengthen Indonesian Economy in the ASEAN Economic Community

The students association of the Accounting Department at YSU Faculty of Economics held a talkshow on “Reviewing Cultural and Creative Industries to Strengthen Indonesian Economy in the ASEAN Economic Community“ on Saturday, March 14th 2015. The talkshow presented three speakers including Harry Van Jogja, a becak driver and the writer of ‘The Becak Way, Joko Sudadiyo, the owner of art batik painting, and Agus Hadi Prayitno, a business coach and the owner of D’Gejrot. The talkshow was moderated by Ponty SP Hutama, M.Si., Ak. a teacher at YSU Accounting study program.
This talkshow was aimed at preparing Indonesian citizen towards ASEAN Economic Community, since the free flow of international labour will make jobs competition tougher for applicants residing in the countries.
The program also aimed to boost students’ confidence and motivate them to develop themselves to be ready for the AEC which will be begin at the end of 2015.
During their presentation, the three speakers shared similar principles in developing their businesses and careers. Continuous innovation and courage to start a business are the keys for their successes. They also suggested that the students should learn foreign languages and adapt themselves to the AEC environment.
Culture plays a significant role in Indonesian creative economy. Innovations in new products and services are influenced by the existing culture. “In creative economy, we need ideas and innovations to develop our business,”said Joko Sudadiyo. Meanwhile, Harry van Jogja emphasized on the marketing of the creative economy products. “Your motivation is the starting point to develop a business,” Agus Hadi Prayitno said to the students.
At the final session of the program, Agus Hadi Prayitno gave his presentation and discussion in a business coaching session.

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