Implenting Character Education through Art Education

Implenting Character Education through Art Education

Dr. Kun Setyaning Astuti, M.Pd. proves that YSU Faculty of Languages is eager to develop worldwide art-based character education through an international cooperation research program in Utrecht University, the Netherlands. This research collaboration will start in October 2015.

In her research collaboration, she will work with her collagues in Utrecht University. Prior to this collaboration, she has conducted on several research in the Netherlands, mainly in the field of music education. In addition, she has been actively developing good cooperation with three big universities there. “Netherland is a country with its remarkable implementation of art education,” she said.

Kun said that it was very challenging to secure the international research program. Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti) perceived that she has the competence for conducting international research. “I had conducted approximately six international research. Thanks to God the chance to conduct such research is mine,” she added.

The previous research was collaboratively conducted with Prof. Darmiyati Zuchdi, Ed.D. (Indonesian Language and Literature Education lecturer) and Sudiyono, M.A. (English Language Education lecturer). It compared character education model Between Indonesia and Netherland. “This October, I will conduct more comprehensive one. It will be a thematic integrated art education research.”

Kun will also visit Université de Poitiers, France during her time in the Netherlands. This is also a follow up visit after the signing of MoU between YSU and Université de Poitiers, France in 2014. “It will be the response after Université de Poitiers visited YSU before. The response is so positive. Université de Poitiers opens a wide chance to conduct collaborative research,” she said.

The cooperation research in the Netherlands is also based on Kun’s concern on the Indonesian education paradigm which places art education as a minor discipline compared to other natural or social sciences disciplines. “In fact, art provides many ways for implementing character education,” Kun said. “Art education in Indonesia is still theoritical learning. However, in the Netherlands, it is learned both theoritically and practically. Therefore, I will conduct a detailed research about art education.” (Rony)

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