New Bipa Tutors Were Invited to Join Micro Teaching Training


On Friday (22/8/2015), Office of International Affairs and Partnership (OIAP) held training and micro teaching for new BIPA (Indonesian Language and Culture Course for Foreigners) tutors. This event is designed to introduce and provide an environment and simulation of teaching Indonesian languange and culture for foreign students, who are currently pursuing college degree in YSU.

The training was led by Lusi Nurhayati, S.Pd.,M.Appl.Ling. In this occasion, the newly recruited tutors were trained regarding the activity they will take up when delivering the materials about Indonesian language and culture. The materials are designed to non-native speakers and are available in basic, intermediate, and advanced level. Furthermore, this agenda also gives special occasion to Lusi Nurhayati for sharing knowledge to the BIPA tutors regarding how to be a good tutor.

The training began with delivery of materials about BIPA and class mastery. The agenda continued with teaching practice for the new tutors. The training was gratifying, and tutors were divided into three groups. Each group was given three sheets of paper describing the materials for Bahasa Indonesia tutorials that are going to be delivered to the non-native students. With the materials at hand, the tutors have freedom to develop and innovate, while presenting the materials in the class. Next, the tutors presented, practiced, and simulated the results of the discussion. From the simulation, the participants realized that the same materials can be transformed into several interesting activities. Moreover, the speed, clarity, vocal and intonation in speaking Indonesian is a must in assisting foreign learners to study Bahasa Indonesia.

In the end of the agenda, several advice and recommendation regarding the tutorials are given. (Anggraeni Kumala Dewi & Diana Prastiwi)

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