SNMPTN Socialization in Jakarta

SNMPTN Socialization in Jakarta

SNMPTN Socialization in Jakarta

Rector of Yogyakarta State University, Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd, M.A., as the chief of the National Higher Education Entrance Exam (SNMPTN) committee held numerous socialization events in Jakarta, Monday (9/2/2015). The exam preparation has started from January 22th by filling School and Student Data Base (SSDB) undertaken by schools which will be verified by students. This filling process will be closed on March 12th, 2015 and continued by applicant registration starting from February 13th to March 15th.

Therefore, Rector of YSU accompanied by working group (pokja) team held marathon socialization to media in several places in Jakarta which was started by doing press conference at Higher Education Building Hall.

In this place, some journalists delivered numerous questions related to the exam such as the quota of the prospective students, the availability of access for Vocational and Islamic students to choose the study program, the mission target (bidik misi) registration, the availability of access for the disabled to enroll, the off-line service in remote areas and various problems about National Exam which were answered well by Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd, M.A., Prof. Dr. Werry Darta Taifur, M.A. (Rector of Andalas University as First Secretary), Prof. Dr. Ravik Karsidi, M.S. (Rector of University Sebelas Maret as Finance Manager), and Prof. Dr. Muhamad Zainuddin, Apt. (Airlangga University as the Head of Working Group).

The committee continued the marathon socialization by visiting Sindo TV for an on-air program from 12.30 to 13.30. This time, several questions were also addressed by the audience. One of them was the question about Associate Degree (D3) which is not included in the exam.

The third socialization was Round Table Discussion which was held in Sindo Auditorium starting from 14.15—16.30. It also involved several State Higher Education representatives, head masters, parents, students and the disabled representation by Bambang Basuki (Mitra Netra Director).

The next socialization was held in Trijaya Radio starting from 18.30 to 19.30 pm. It is a streaming program discussing all about the exam which could be listened from numerous cities in Indonesia.

The marathon socialization was held in order to increase schools’ and students’ involvement to secure 50 % of the positions for freshmen in 2015. (nur)

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