YSU to Welcome the Honour of Hosting Boards of Meeting CAPEU


YSU was honoured to host Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting CAPEU (Consortium of Asia Pacific Education Universities) on Wednesday (30/09/2015) in Main Meeting Room, YSU Rectorate Building. CAPEU is an organization of Asia-Pasific universities and institutions which concern education.

CAPEU was first established on 23 April, 2013. Currently, there are 22 universities, 8 observer universities, dan 4 partner universities noted as the members, some of them are from Indonesia, namely Makassar State University, Medan State University, dan Islamic University of Kalimantan. Moreover, several foreign universities are also identified as members of the organization, let’s say Miyagi University from Japan, Northern University Malaysia, and Thaksin University of Thailand.
Started at 10.00 and ended at 12.00, the main topic brought in the event is the discussion and planning of 2nd international conference which is going to take place in Bangkok, Thailand, and then followed with the 3rd International Conference of CAPEU that is planned to be held in Phillipine Normal University (PNU). In the agenda, the secretary also displayed the recent financial report.

Furthermore, the President of CAPEU also introduced new members, namely Miyagi University from Japan dan Bandar Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University from Brunei Darussalam.

After having the meeting, the participants were refreshed with museum tour to Indonesian Education Museum near Rectorate Building, YSU. They were guided to get acquaintance with history of education in Indonesia. Moreover, some education stuff and equipments, together with memorable pictures, were also displayed in the museum, and participants were enthusiastic with the ambiance. Led by the museum curator who also played the role as a guide, the museum tour finished with movie watching. (Wulan)

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