Computer-Based Admission Examination for National Selection Based on Test Year 2023 at UNY Runs Smoothly

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As in the previous year, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(UNY) hosted the Computer-Based Admission Examination for National Test-Based Selection in 2023.  This exam is a national selection pathway for prospective students who are interested in continuing their education at state universities in Indonesia. UNY provides quite a lot of spare computers to anticipate the possibility of computer problems. In addition, to avoid cheating, UNY takes several steps, namely synchronizing data, preparing security in collaboration with the police, and using metal detectors. This was conveyed by the Chairperson of the Central Committee of UTBK-SNBT UNY in 2023, Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes. when met at the UNY PMB Admissions Room on Monday, May 8, 2023.  In addition, UNY also provides coaching for officers. "Supervisors, and all officers, be it server admins, electricians, security officers, medical officers, and administrative officers, have received coaching to synchronize their duties. I am sure we can carry out our duties optimally," said Siswantoyo.

UNY has also prepared medical personnel. "If during the test there are participants who need health assistance, UNY is ready to provide services. UNY has a Health Sport Center, more than 7 doctors, therapists, and a student health unit (KSR-PMI)," said Siswantoyo.

The Head of Admissions of UNY, Dr. Setya Raharja, M.Pd. while monitoring the implementation of UTBK-SNPMB 2023 on the first day expressed his pride and gratitude for the contribution of all parties involved in the preparation of UTBK-SNBT SNPMB Year 2023 so that computer equipment and other supporting facilities run well. "From year to year, we always improve the priority of security and comfort of UTBK implementation by using metal detectors, and better computers. For prospective participants who will test at UNY, we hope to keep wearing masks," he said.

UNY Information Technology Coordinator, Dr. Restu Widiatmono, M.Si., said that UNY has prepared 46 rooms that can accommodate 1320 participants per session. "All rooms are equipped with a minimum core 3 PC or Mac computer with an average Windows 10 operating system," he explained.

Dr. Restu Widiatmono, M.Si., stated that UNY is ready to facilitate prospective students with special needs. "In this first batch, there are already 3 blind prospective students and several prospective students with disabilities. Prospective students who are blind will take the test at the IDB Laboratory of UNY Economic Education. Meanwhile, people with disabilities can take the exam at the Digital Library Building on the 2nd floor which has disabled facilities and elevators," he said.

Based on UNY admissions information, this year the number of participants who will take the National Test Based Computer Based Admission Examination at UNY is 15,991 people and this number is the largest participant for the Yogyakarta province area. The test will be held on May 8-14 and May 23, 2023. In wave 1 of the exam, 14,365 people will take part and wave 2 will be followed by 1,626 people. The test materials include Scholastic Potential Test, Indonesian Literacy, English Literacy and Mathematical Reasoning.

The interest of prospective students in 2023 who chose UNY as their choice of study program amounted to 37,566 prospective students, with details of choice I totaling 18,171 participants and choice II totaling 19,395 participants. One of the test participants, Septiana Ningsih, hoped to be accepted in one of her choices at UNY. The student of SMAN 1 Pajangan chose Indonesian Literature as her first choice and Indonesian Language and Literature Education as her second choice.

Prasetyo Noviriyanto, Tj.Lak