Preverving "Luk Luk Lumbu" through Matching Fund Program

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"Luk Luk Lumbu" is one of the traditional songs from Banyuwangi. In 2017, the UNY Swara Wadhana Team sang this song at the 10th International Choir Festival Grand Prix (Thailand). Efforts to preserve this traditional song have not stopped. The UNY research team consisting of Dr. Kun Setyaning Astuti, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Samsul Hadi, M.T.,M.Pd., Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd., Dr. Maman Suryaman, M.Pd., Prof. Dr. Tri Hartiti Retnowati, M.Pd., Dr. A.M. Susilo Pradoko, M.Sc., Dr. Cipto Budi Handoyo, M.Pd. and .Dr. Else Liliani, M.Hum through the Matching Fund (MF) research program scheme developed a program entitled "Student Empowerment in Traditional Music Multimedia Production for Preparation of Digital Economy-Based Employment."

In particular, the song "Luk Luk Lumbu" is one of the works of the poet from Banyuwangi, Andang Chotif Yusuf. Until the early 1990s, Andang had composed more than 200 lyrics for Banyuwangi traditional songs. Andang's works in general have themes of heroism, exploring tradition, natural beauty and love.

From the song "Luk Luk Lumbu", there is an important message to stay true to your goals. "Don't be easily fascinated and lured by temptation. We have to be very careful and have to consider carefully in making decisions," said head of research Kun Setyaning Astuti.

Apart from Luk Luk Lumbu, the research conducted by the UNY research team also accommodated the songs "Tanduk Majeng", "Lengkuas Island", "Umak", and "Bejaring". 

Dedy, Tj.Lak