E-Science: Open, Social, and Virtual Technologies for Research Collaboration with Prof. Thomas Kohler

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"E-science is a socio-technical system, which can be approached from the perspective of a human, task or technology user, as identified by Heinrich. It aims to identify the dominant approach to e-science, to distinguish between different terms and identify how the terms reflect changes in existing research flows," said Prof. Dr. Thomas Kohler from Technicshe Universitat Dresden, Germany, in a public lecture themed “e-Science: Open, Social, and Virtual Technology for Research Collaboration” on July 19, 2022. This activity succeeded in attracting 75 participants both offline and online.

As an information system, e-learning must also be seen from the perspective of the social environment where technology is located. Therefore, the development of e-learning must use a socio-technical perspective. The social system refers to the institutional isomorphism theory, which includes coercive, mimetic, and normative pressure. Technological facilities, technical support, compatibility, and user competence are technical systems.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kohler lecture on e-science is part of the international public lecture program in the Technology and Vocational Education study program at the Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). This activity is one of the efforts to prepare and developing learning in the digital era 

Fara/ant, Tj. Lak