Advocacy for Nurturing Pancasila Ideology to Prevent Radicalism and Terrorism

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Center for the Study of Pancasila Education and Character of Research Institute and Community Service Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta(LPPM UNY), in collaboration with the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) and several partner universities today, Wednesday (30/3) held a Group Discussion Forum (FGD) with the theme "Points of Thought About Criteria for Radicalism and Efforts to Overcome It".

The event at the Cristal Lotus Hotel Yogyakarta, presented several prominent speakers such as Prof.Dr. Hariyono, M.Pd. (Deputy Head of BPIP), Kemas Akhmad Tajudin, S.H., M.H. (Deputy for Law, Advocacy and Regulatory Oversight), Prof. Dr. Mukhamad Murdiono, M.Pd. (Professor of Civic Education UNY), Prof.Dr. Marzuki, M.Ag. (Professor of Islam Education UNY), Prof. Noorhaidi Hasan, M.A., Ph.D. (Professor of Postgraduate UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta), and Arqom Kuswanjono (Lecturer of the Faculty of Philosophy UGM). The FGD also invited various social elements, such as lecturers, students, The Indonesian National Armed Forces, and The Indonesian National Police.

Vice-Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Prof. Edi Purwanta, M.Pd., who was present on behalf of the Chancellor of UNY when giving his speech, welcomed the holding of this event and hoped to formulate several indicators that lead to radicalism jointly. He also said that the values of Pancasila as the nation's ideology must be nurtured from an early age in the souls of the entire younger generation.

When giving a presentation, Professor Hariyono said that the notion of radicalism could penetrate anyone, be it intellectuals, state officials, or academics. In the era of fighting against the colonialists, the term radical had a positive connotation because several parties that were labeled as radical, such as the Indische Partij (IP) and the Indonesian National Party (PNI) were parties that fought for independence from the invaders. However, unlike now, usually a person or group will be labeled as radical if they oppose the agreement of the nation's founders.
Meanwhile, Kemas Akhmad Tadjudin said that we must have one perception in understanding and overcoming the notion of radicalism to be more effective in overcoming it. "BPIP also continues to synergize with all components of society to deal with various things that lead to radicalism," he added.

Professor Murdiono said that sometimes radicalism could arise due to a lack of welfare and difficulty finding jobs. These things sometimes make a person easily frustrated and easily influenced by radicalism.

Professor Murdiono agrees with Professor Noorhaidi that social inequality is one of the causes of the emergence of radicalism movements because they want to replace the state ideology, namely Pancasila and the existing government, hoping to be more prosperous, unconstitutionally.

Professor Marzuki stated that it was essential to instill Pancasila values in students. Marzuki also expressed his hope that BPIP and the government would be more stringent in guarding education to tackle the seeds of radicalism and terrorism as early as possible.

An expert from UGM, Aqrom Kuswanjono, reminded us that the emergence of radicalism also depends on the existing conditions. In conducive conditions, the potential for radicalism is relatively low. Social media also needs attention because it has the potential to be a medium for spreading radicalism.

Khairani Faizah, Tj.Lak