Faculty of Education UNY establishes cooperation with the Human Resources Development Agency and Community Empowerment of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration

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Friday, March 18, 2022, at the Arjuna Building, the Center for Training and Empowerment of Village Communities, Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration of Yogyakarta Province. Dr. Sujarwo attended the signing of the Joint Work Agreement (PKB), M.Pd as Dean of Faculty of Education UNY, and Jajang Abdullah, M.Si as Secretary of the PMDDTT BPSDM Agency.

Before signing the agreement document by both parties, the Dean of Faculty of Education UNY expressed his gratitude and full support to BPSDM to improve human resource quality and empower rural communities. Faculty of Education UNY has been assisting in Giripurwo Village, Purwosari Gunungkidul as a form of the Faculty of Education's concern for improving the quality of human resources empowering rural communities. In addition, UNY has collaborated with the Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration, especially in improving village officials' quality of human resources through the RPL program. At the end of his speech, he hopes that the signing of this Joint Work will accelerate efforts to increase human resources for PPSDM and the wider community.

Jajang Abdullah, M.Si as Secretary of the PMDDTT BPSDM Agency expressed his enthusiasm for signing the Joint Work with Faculty of Education UNY. He hopes that this collaboration can further improve and accelerate human resources development.  He also thanked UNY as one of the leading universities in helping to improve the quality of human resources, especially through the implementation of the Recognition of Prior Learning  (RPL) program.

Also present at the event, the Head of the Center for Training and Empowerment of Village Communities, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of Yogyakarta Province, Dr. Ir. Widarjanto, MM. thanked Mr. Secretary of the BPSDM Kemendesa PDTT, Mr. Dean of Faculty of Education UNY, Head of the PLS Department of Faculty of Education UNY, chairman of LPPM Untidar and also guests who were willing to attend. In addition to signing the agreement between BPSDM and Faculty of Education UNY, the Non-formal Education Department also submitted ato signr signing the Cooperation document between IA and BBPPM Yogyakarta. The event closed with the signing of the joint working document and ended with a joint photo session.

dik/rit, Tj.Lak