Celebrating 60th UNY Anniversary with the spirit of work culture transformation

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Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) celebrated its 60th anniversary with the theme "Transformation of Work Culture to Strengthen UNY" at UNY Auditorium on May 21, 2024. UNY invited the Chairman of the Assembly of Rectors of Indonesian State Universities (MRPTNI) Prof. H. Ganefri, Ph.D as a speaker. "UNY has the right to set its own priorities, conduct scientific research, as well as its implementation in the wider community, and also has greater autonomy in academic and non-academic management," he said.

As a pioneer of higher education transformation, UNY must be able to manage resources independently and efficiently to support education and research activities. This transformation also allows universities to be more responsive to the changing needs of society and industry. Collaboration with industry will be intensified. Universities must be able to produce graduates who are ready to work and have the skills needed by the industry. International and global education will also become increasingly important in preparing students for careers in the global market. For this reason, civic education in higher education can be a stronghold of the nation's character in facing the era of society 5.0.

"I am sure, with enthusiasm and dedication, we can realize a common vision to make our universities superior and globally competitive institutions," concluded Ganefri.

Indonesian Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makariem, MBA in his online speech explained that the presence of independent campuses over the past five years has brought new hope to millions of Indonesian students. Students are now more courageous to pursue jobs that suit their interests and make meaningful contributions to their surroundings. All this is thanks to the opportunities provided for students to study outside the campus. "I appreciate UNY's efforts to continue to be at the forefront in implementing Kampus Merdeka and other Merdeka Belajar breakthroughs," said Nadiem. By being part of this great movement, the entire UNY academic community has actively participated in improving the quality of higher education and bringing Indonesian civilization to leap into the future.

Rector of UNY Prof. Sumaryanto said that in 2024, the theme chosen was 'Transformation of Work Culture to Strengthen UNY PTNBH'. "UNY's vision is to become a world-class educational university that is superior, creative and sustainably innovative," said the Rector. Various achievements have been made by UNY during its sixty-year journey, the latest being the award for the Best Budget Work Value (NKA) of the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2024 from a financial perspective. On this occasion, awards were given to outstanding lecturers, education staff and students.

Sudaryono, Tj.Lak