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Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, UNY, Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes. and  the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance Prof. Dr. Edi Purwanta, M.Pd. welcomed a visit from PT Autochem Industry representative on Friday, May 28, 2021 in UNY Rectorate  meeting room. PT Autochem Industry is the sole brand holder for Master and Prestone in Indonesia. The representative of PT Autochem Industry was led by Iwan Purnama as the Marketing Director of PT Autochem Industry accompanied by Richard Joe, the Head of the Yogyakarta Branch and Heri, a representative from Semarang. Dr. Ir. Zainal Arifin, M.T. and Dr. Sutiman, M.T. from Automotive Engineering Education Study Program of UNY also joined the meeting.

"We welcome a visit from PT Autochem Industry. There are many things that can be collaborated among university and companies. We will integrate it with the village to carry out various program activities in order to support government programs to improve the people's welfare, " Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo said.

"UNY Building Village is one of the programs we have launched in order to increase the capacity building of Indonesian human resources in collaboration with various stakeholders. This program is in line with UNY's vision to build and help accelerate government programs. Regarding PT Auchem Industry, we will launch activities that encourage the empowerment of rural communities with a touch of technology, a touch of products, and various kinds of existing innovations, " Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo explained.

As part of the collaboration between UNY and PT Autochem Industry, Prestone will provide a set of driver simulator tools to add to UNY's laboratory equipment. Dr. Ir. Zainal Arifin, M.T. explained that this simulator is very helpful in the vehicle setup process. The simulator tool given by Prestone will be used in the automotive department of UNY.

"Thank you PT Auchem Industry for always supporting us at every event, one of which is the Garuda UNY car competing in various events and winning with various labels, one of the sponsors is from Prestone," said Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo.

"Actually, the purpose of holding this collaboration is to create win-win-win, if I say 3 wins. The first win is a win for the community, we work not only for the company, but for how the community feels the impact. The second win is a university, a university needs a lot of research, a lot of experiments, as a corporate institution it must collaborate with universities to carry out development. The third win is of course for us (the company), if there is a result for product development, "said Iwan Purnama.

In addition to receiving a simulator tool grant, UNY will also carry out a practitioner lecturer program involving experts including Iwan Purnama from PT Autochem Industry to teach UNY students so that UNY graduates will have experience and quality. Iwan Purnama stated that there needs to be a change in mindset. "I put more emphasis on talking about business models, about how graduates from UNY can create jobs. Most of our youth's mindset is simply about graduated and then get a job. That needs to be changed," explained Iwan Purnama.

Sud, Tj.Lak