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One of the missions of the Cultural, Environmental and Mitigation Center (Pusbudlingmit) LPPM UNY is "Conducting community service activities according to community needs, especially in the fields of culture, environment and mitigation". Therefore, Pusbudlingmit LPPM UNY which is currently chaired by Dr. Tien Aminatun is active in conducting community service activities, one of which is an integrated community service activity held on Saturday-Sunday, 22-23 May 2021 in Bugel Village, Kapanewon Panjatan, Kulon Progo Regency. This activity is part of the series of commemorating the 57th Anniversary of UNY with the theme "Quality Education for New Civilizations", one of the sub-activity is "Partnership of the World of Education and Community to Create a natural and local-Based Bugel Tourism Villages". This activity is also a form to strengthen the collaboration between UNY and the Kulon Progo Cultural Service, which is expected to be carried out in following years.

The activity on the first day was opened by the secretary of LPPM UNY, Prof. Dr. Siti Irine Astuti, and the Head of Bugel Village, Sunardi. This 2-day integrated service activity is supported by 4 service teams, they are; (1) Ecoprint Product Innovation Training Based on Local Biological Resources of Water Hyacinth, lead by Dr. Tien Aminatun with the keynote speaker, Dr. Kun Sri Budiasih who is also a lecturer at the Department of Chemist Education, YSU; (2) Water Hyacinth Based Craft Product Innovation Training lead by Dr. Martono; (3) Online Product Photo Training and Product Marketing Innovation, lead by Lies Endarwati, M.Si .; and (4) Jatilan Gejog Lesung Innovation Training as Cultural Characteristics of Bugel Village, lead by Dr. Kuswarsantyo. The four service teams support each other to make Bugel as a culture-based tourism village which is part of a program of the Kulon Progo Regency Cultural Service, while the Pusbudlingmit LPPM UNY seeks to integrate culture, environment and mitigation in this service activity.

The symbol of integration between culture, environment and mitigation is embodied in the ecoprint design which is characterized by the appearance of geblek renteng images such as the shape of number 8, water hyacinth leaves, and the trace of long lines symbolizing the surjan rice fields. Geblek renteng symbolizes the typical Kulon Progo food, water hyacinth symbolizes the environmental problems in Bugel Village caused by hyacinth weed population explosion, while Surjan rice fields are a form of local wisdom in Bugel Village and its surroundings which depicts an agricultural ecosystems management in poor drainage area. Ecoprint itself is an eco-friendly fabric coloring. Therefore, the training of innovation in producing eco print products other than the utilizing natural coloring materials, was also focused in designing innovations which represent the characteristics of Bugel village which later can become a local souvenir of Bugel Village as a tourist village.

In this activity, the service team led by Dr. Martono gave a little touch of innovation for the design in order to realize the Bugel Tourism Village, the team create a design of making braided lines from woven water hyacinth leaves which will later be used by the Jatilan Gejog Lesung dancer team whose choreography were taught by a service team lead by Dr. Kuswarsantyo, go hand in hand perfectly with a Javanese song created by Dr. Sutiyono as the music background, whose lyrics reflect natural resources and typical Bugel culture. In addition to designing braided jets from water hyacinth, the service team led by Dr. Martono, among others, also taught the design of miniature braid jars, as well as packaging boxes for ecoprint products. All of the souvenirs which are made from water hyacinth, later will be submitted for receiving copyright from LPPM UNY. The other important thing other than production is product marketing. Therefore, in this integrated service activity, there was also a service team led by Lies Endarwati, M.Si who provided training related to marketing innovation and product photo training to support online marketing. The results of this 2-day training activity will be exhibited at social service activities to commemorate the 57th Anniversary of UNY in Bugel Village, Pakanewon Panjatan, Kulon Progo Regency on June 6, 2021, which will be attended by the heads of UNY and the Regional Government of Kulon Progo Regency. 
