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UNY accepted 1,552 new students through the SNMPTN 2020 (National University Student Selection) which were announced on Wednesday (8/4). The new students of UNY consisted of 531 people from the natural science and 1,021 people from the social humanities. Of these there are 472 prospective students who get the KIP Kuliah. According to the release signed by the Head of LTMPT Mohammad Nasih, UNY is on the 9th national rank based on the number of admission application with 20.509 applicant. It means only 7.5 % applicants make it to be a new student of UNY.

Rector of UNY, Sutrisna Wibawa stated that UNY new prospective students must fill in the socio-economic data for the determination of the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) on the page http://ukt.uny.ac.id started on 8 April to 15 April 2020. "Those who failed to complete the form must accept to pay the highest Single Tuition Fee,” he said. Verification results and the amount of UKT will be announced on 20 April 2020 on the official website of UNY.

Non-KIP Kuliah prospective students pay Single Tuition Fee on April 20 to May 6, 2020 at Bank BTN, Bank BNI, Bank Mandiri Branch Offices / Cash Offices throughout Indonesia, or Bank BPD DIY by showing proof of registration number for SNMPTN 2020. Specifically for Bank BTN, Bank BNI, and Bank Mandiri can be done through ATMs, the Internet Banking, or Mobile Banking. Tuition fees that have been paid cannot be withdrawn for any reason, unless the person concerned is declared not to have graduated from high school or equivalent.

Prospective students then register online through the page https: //registrasi.uny.ac.id on April 20 to May 31, 2020. Prospective Non-KIP college students use the SNMPTN registration number and PIN obtained after making UKT payments, while prospective KIP-college recipient students register using the KIP-Lecture number. The definitive status as a KIP-Lecturer recipient will be determined after verification.

The UNY student card printing schedule is planned for the end of June 2020. Certainty of the schedule will be announced later by taking into account the situation and conditions related to Covid-19. (Dedy; Tj.Lak)