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UNY’s Student Executive Board of Education Faculty (BEM FIP) organizes online peer counseling services in collaboration with counseling and guidance lab of Education Faculty. The chairman of BEM FIP, Satria Yudistira explained that the counseling will be conducted by students of Guidance and Counseling Study Program who have been verified and received training from professional counselors. "Students who will be counselors in peer counseling sessions are students who have taken micro counseling courses," Satria Yudistira added.  The collaboration was held to assist students who experienced psychological burden due to widespread fake news, information overload, and physical distancing related with covid-19.

Media that will be used in the counseling process can be via Whatsapp Chat, Video Call, and Voice Call. The counseling is free of charge. To get the help, you will need to register to the admin. "Registration through the admin first, later there will be an initial assessment, after that choose the counselor according to his schedule, then an agreement with the counselor, if you want to go outside the schedule also, according to his convenience," said Satria Yudistira.

This service receive positive response from Niken Nahesti, a student of UNY. "With this online consulting service, I'm very grateful, because we have a place to share our concern. We hope that this online consultation can provide solutions that can help relieve negative feelings, "she added. (Andra Arivianda Putra/JK; Tj.Lak)