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To work as a professional, there are three main things needed. Namely expertise, responsibility and partnership. Based on need assessment on engineering expert, there will be around 280 thousand engineers are needed for the next five years.  Unfortunately, there are still lack of qualified professional engineer to work on various project in Indonesia. This challenging fact has set the motivation of UNY to nurture future professional engineers. Such message was stated by UNY Rector, Sutrisna Wibawa, on the graduation and inauguration of UNY Engineer Professional Program Batch 3 of 2020 on Tuesday (3/3/2020). The rector further explained that this program is in line with the expectation of professional organization and the Ministry. “Engineer Professional Program is important. It is important for graduates to keep the commitment as a professional engineer. Also, continuing developing your expertise through professional organization,” Sutrisna said. The rector expected that the dean and head of study program to work together with engineer professional organization to develop the program further.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of UNY, Margana said that the engineer professional program currently has 68 students. “UNY has graduated 49 professional engineers,” Margana said. Margana explained that this program applied Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) Model and workshops along with 24 credits required to comprise courses including code of ethics and professional ethics of engineers, engineering professionalism and workshop seminars and discussions. Margana pointed out that UNY is still using a portfolio-based RPL pattern consisting of several components including formal education, professional organizations, experience in manufacturing and industrial work and published engineering works in the field.

The ceremony was attended by the Chairperson of the Indonesian Engineers Association of Yogyakarta Region Ir. Supriyo, Vice Rectors and officials from the Faculty of Engineering. The program closed with a congratulatory greeting. (Dedy; Tj.Lak)