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UNY completed the Year 2019 with a proud performance achievement. The performance has been manifested by the various ranking achieved by UNY. UNY was ranked second in the 4ICU version, ranked seventh in the WCU version, ranked 16 in Webometric and Kemristekdikti, and ranked 19 in the Greenmetric version. Competitive ranks can also be viewed at the international level where UNY has surged in the 85th rank of the ASEAN QS version, ranked 301+ in WCU, and ranked 401+ in QS Asia.

Each ranking has a different rating base. 4ICU for example, where UNY came in second after UGM, assessed academic capacity as well as information and knowledge dissemination by universities through internet media. The ranking of QS emphasizes indexing of written journal articles. While greenmetric analyzes green open land and environmentally friendly facilities available at universities.

Although different, all of these achievements lead to one thing: UNY is serious about refreshing the position of the campus in the midst of a global arena. Although it is often associated as a "teacher producer" tertiary institution, UNY also dynamically welcomes the international challenges and opportunities. The openness of cooperation in various fields becomes the starting point of Sutrisna Wibawa, Rector of UNY. Building relationships, in addition to being done on paper, was realized by Sutrisna millennially. He used all the potential of social media, including YouTube, as a dissemination material, both local, national, regional and international.

"World-class campuses must adapt the spirit of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. and Society 5.0., " Sutrisna said.
The spirit of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 was then translated in two ways: advancing Tridharma Higher Education throughout 2019 through a proud record of performance, and setting ambitious but still realistic targets next year.


Throughout 2019, UNY has succeeded in increasing the tridharma of Higher Education in all lines.To improve the Teaching Field, UNY has inaugurated 14 new professors. 11 professors who have been appointed include: Saefur Rahmat (Indonesian History), Sunarto (Communication Program), Setyabudi Indartono (Human Resource Management), Farozin (Guidance and Counseling), Samsul Hadi (Vocational Learning), Lantip Dian Prasojo (Management Education), Suyanta (Analytical Chemistry), Moch. Bruri Triyono (Vocational Learning), Hari Sutrisno (Inorganic Chemistry), Sutarto (Vocational Education Curriculum), and Mukminan (Geography Learning Technology). With these additional professors, UNY has inaugurated 147 professors throughout its history. Their fields of knowledge which are spread in many fields also prove that UNY has great potential to contribute on many aspects of life in society. 369 UNY teaching staff, or 34.5%, now also have a doctorate. Coupled with hundreds of other lecturers who are undergoing doctoral studies and will complete their studies in the next few years, UNY is optimistic about improving the quality of teaching on campus on an ongoing basis. What's more, UNY also significantly improved learning with e-learning facilities. At present, UNY already has 1,109 online learning modules that can be accessed by students at any time.

"In the future we will also continue to encourage, up to 10 even 15 percent of lecturers hold professors, and 50-60% of doctors in four years (staff with a PhD). Provisional target for 2020, 8% professors. It means that next year we target to add 10 more professors, "Sutrisna said.

Improved Teaching Quality is also evident in the skyrocketing GPA of graduates, accreditation of study programs, and shorter graduate study period. As of 2019, the average undergraduate student at UNY graduated with a GPA of 3.49 and a study period of 4.56 years. 71 UNY study programs have also been accredited A, with 32 others accredited B and eight others are new study programs that are still in the accreditation process.

"It means that almost half or more than 40% of UNY children, graduated cum laude," Sutrisna said.
In terms of research, UNY's commitment to realize Tridharma is manifested from the increasing number of intellectual property rights and indexed journals. In total in 2019, UNY has 10 patents, 430 copyrights, and 3 industrial designs. 40 journals published by UNY and written by many lecturers, have also succeeded in continuously disseminating knowledge, works, and the best thinking for the advancement of the world of Education.

One of UNY's journals, Cakrawala Pendidikan Journal, even managed to win Rank I from the SINTA Award held by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. The Journal of Educational Horizons has also been indexed by SCOPUS, an international indexing, since 2018. This achievement shows UNY's commitment in developing the world of Education does not stop at classrooms. But also publish it to be useful for the widest possible community.

UNY also push further student development and infrastructure facilities. There were 1,056 outstanding students in 2019 with 132 of them winning awards at the international level. 210 students also founded startups and were entrepreneurs. In terms of infrastructure, the financial and operational aspects of UNY are also advancing rapidly. Targeted at 235 billion, UNY's revenue was recorded at 305 billion. UNY's operations are also supported by IT-based academic information systems and services. Starting from E-Reports, Digital Archives, Yudiwis System, Early Warning System, and PD-Dikti Reports all of which integrate data and services to students with their digital systems by using a laptop or cellphone

In terms of Community Service, UNY in 2019 offered Bidikmisi scholarships to 6,138 students. UNY also has an affirmation quota for children from Papua and the remote and poor region, which in 2019 received a total of 41 children. Through this program, UNY wants Education to be accessed by all levels of society without exception. "This is in accordance with the spirit of the intellectual life of the nation," Sutrisna said.


High achievements did not make UNY complacent. In 2020, UNY aims to surpass the QS ASEAN version 70, rank 451 Asia, and rank 801 in the world. Overtake 15 ratings compared to 2019.For this reason, there are four directions of policy that are the focus of UNY: to become a reference for the quality of education, foster creativity and innovation, increase student competitiveness, and increase academic reputation. That focus will be translated into concrete programs. Such as increasing the number of professors, doctors, increasing IT-based services on campus, to publishing even more journal works.

The construction of a Vocational School in Gunungkidul will also be a priority for UNY along with a 4.8 hectare land grant from the Gunungkidul Regency Government. In 2020, the campus will be built and immediately open for registration in July. There are eight study programs that will be opened by UNY, including: Recreational Business Management, International Trade Logistics, Creative Business, Digital Business, Food, Fashion, Accounting, and Informatics Engineering.

This Vocational School was established referring to the Government's priorities in developing education that links and matches with the industrial world, so that it implements a multi-entry multi-exit system. Through this system, students can choose to go to college in the D1 / D2 / D3 / D4 level, according to their individual needs. The construction of the Gunungkidul Campus is planned to begin in January 2020.

"Through the program and commitment to continue innovating, we hope that what will be done in 2020 contributes to the long-term target according to UNY's vision and mission: to become a world-class educational university in 2025," said Sutrisna. (Ilham Dary A;Tj.Lak)