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The world keeps changing fast. It is important for everyone to response accordingly.  The characteristics of children and youth also change. They need skills related with critical thinking, being innovative, being creative, mastering effective communication and building collaborative works. It is also important to nurture noble character to achieve success and happiness in the hereafter. Such message was stated by Prof. Darmiyati Zuchdi, in the national seminar of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan UNY which was held on Thursday (19/12) at the UNY Rectorate Building. Furthermore, Prof. Darmiyati Zuchdi explained that the role of parents, especially mothers, is very central in shaping the character of children from an early age. "The role of mothers is to build an atmosphere conducive to the development of children's character," he said. According to Prof. Darmiyati Zuchdi, developing noble character needs main values, namely religious values and social values. Religious values  in the form of obedience to worship, have integrity, discipline, generous and patient. Whereas social values include modesty, care, tolerance, respect for others, responsibility, synergy and being able to lead.

The seminar was opened by the Rector of UNY Prof. Sutrisna Wibawa. In his remarks the Rector said that the most important thing in character education was action. "It cannot be done in a short time, but it can be accustomed to become a culture," Sutrisna Wibawa said. In the era of information technology, communication is not only limited to face-to-face but also uses technology and Sutrisna Wibawa reminded that compassion cannot be replaced by technology. At home, it would be better to talk directly between family members rather than through social media. The role of mother is very important, so we need to synergize with each other between education in schools, in families and communities.

According to the Chairperson of the UNY Dharma Wanita Association Supadminingsih Sutrisna Wibawa, the seminar was held in the context of welcoming Mother's Day on December 22 and was attended by teachers, lecturers and education expert. "This seminar is part of responsibility of the UNY's Dharma Wanita as an organization that has functions in the social, educational and economic fields," Supadminingsih said. The seminar with the theme of strengthening character education and health for families aims to involve families in character education to increase mutual awareness and responsibility among education units, families and communities for the implementation of education. Besides Prof. Darmiyati Zuchdi, other speakers in the national seminar were Dr. Umi Anugerah Izzati from Universitas Negeri Surabaya and Dr. Viena Rusmiati Hasanah from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. (Dedy; Tj.Lak)