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The key to success being an entrepreneur is to be courageous.  To be successful, it is important for any entrepreneur to dare facing the risk, dare to lose, dare to gain profit and dare to succeed. “If you do not have the courage, you won’t be a successful entrepeneur,” Ibnu Kurniawan Hidayat, S.Pt said on general lecture held in UNY’ Faculty of Social Sciences on Friday (11/10/2019). This general lecture was attended by students of Public Administration Study Program UNY.

According to Ibnu, being successful is not only about materialistic measurement such as having luxury cars, gold, and luxury home. But also on how everything that we do can bring our happiness. Furthermore, it will be a complete success when we can make those close to you happy. “You can buy an expensive sofa, but you will never be able to buy your sleeping quality,” he said.

The idea for having better product from competitor is not always work accordingly. For such reason, product differentiation has better part. "When you decide to become an entrepreneur, your brain will always develop because every day you have to think to make innovations so that the product or business that you run is no less competitive with competitors. What must be done by an entrepreneur is not to make a product that is better than a competitor's product, but rather how our products are different from competitors' products so that an entrepreneur is required to always be creative and innovative, "he explained.

Furthermore, Ibnu explained that the obstacle that is often experienced when starting a business is to have an idea but do not have the capital or vice versa. Another obstacle is having capital but there is no willingness to do entrepreneurship. Thus, the first thing that must be possessed is courage so that this courage becomes the initial key in starting a business. (Eko; Tj.Lak)