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Students from UNY majoring in Mathematics Education won the silver and bronze award in International Invention and Innovative Competition (InIIC Series 1/2019) held at Malacca, 27 April 2019.

For (InIIC Series 1/2019 competition, UNY sent 3 teams. The first team was led by Dr. Dhoriva Urwatul Wutsqa (Head of Statistics Study Program) with members of Prihantini, Galuh Estu Nastiti and Meri Andar Sari (Mathematics) with advisor Dr. Hartono. This team presented “Stochastic Model and Analysis of Allocation of Life Insurance Premium and Effort in Development Insurance in Indonesia”. This team successfully won the bronze award. While the second team was led by Glagah Eskacakra Setyowisnu (Mathematics) with members Eva Cristiyani Br Tarigan, Rohmah Artika, Prihantini Maghfiroh Izza Maulani (Mathematics) and Genta Maulana Musthofa (Mathematics Education). The team presented “Mathematical Model of Malaria in Human Using SIDR Population Compartment with Treatment”. And for the third team was led by Aditya Wisnugraha Sugiarto (Mathematics) with members of Siti Vera Lestari, Naila Hayu Azizah, Aan Nur Irsyad (Mathematics Education) and Prihantini (Mathematics) and advisor Dr. Agus Maman Abadi. This team presented “GEOSTIC: Application Based on Android Mathematics Learning Media on Augmented Reality in the Era Industrial Revolution 4.0” and successfully won the silver award.

Galuh Estu Nastiti explained that the International Competition was an annual event organized by the Malaysian State Central Library together with MNNF Network Malaysia and several other international partners. This competition has attracted young inventors from ASEAN countries. There were 4 category to pick, namely Classed A1: Professional Education and Social Science, Classed A2: Pre-professional Science, Engineering and Technology, Classed B1: Higher Institution Student (Social Science), B2: Higher Student Institution (Technological Science) and Classed C: School Students. Team from UNY participated in Classed B2: Higher Institution (Technological Science) category under the specification of invention and innovation. This spot was quite challenging because many participant brought quite sophisticated work based on advanced research and acknowledged with certain awards and patent rights.

“The competition is set under exhibition and presentation concept where each invention gets a table with a jury, a question and answer presentation in English. Each team must provide posters, brochures, articles and invention products. Judges from various countries will visit each table and ask questions to the Inventor. The work description, product excellence, implementation and patent matters become mandatory jury questions,” he added(Titin/Witono)