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Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era is characterized by uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. To deal with it, those who teach have to mastering digital skills. Such message is pointed out at the national seminar held by UKMF Reality on 14 April 2019. The national seminar theme which themed “Optimizing the Role of Millennial Generation in Industrial Revolution 4.0” has invite two speakers. There are Dr. Samto from Ministry of Education and Culture and Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, M.Pd from Faculty of Engineering UNY.

“Indonesian, especially students, must improve their digital skills and create innovation based on their respective field of work,” Dr. Samto emphasized.

Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, M.Pd as the second speaker underline the importance for today’s learner to be able to think critically, creative, having good communication skill and be able to collaborate with everyone.  To improve creativity and critical thinking, student must conduct research. “By doing research, you will be able to share new information and develop new product,” Sugiyono added.( (Muhammad Abdul Hadi/JK))