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Mechanical Engineering Education Department Student Association Faculty of Engineering Yogyakarta State University successfully held Mechanical Fair (10/13/2018). This agenda is an annual activity enlivened with two branches of competition, namely Java CAD Competition and 3G Welding Competition for vocational students. Riski Dwi Pratiwi, as the chairman of the committee said that the hope for the future, the Mechanical Fair agenda not only attracts students at the vocational level but also students nationally so that they can contribute to improving the skills and soul of the younger generation competition.

When met by the Public Relations team, Riska told that the enthusiasm of vocational students in participating in this competition was very large. "The initial target of the participants was only 30 people but it was booming so we added one slot to 31 people and we were forced to drop some participants through the files for consideration of judging time," Riska said.
Riska further explained that the Java CAD Competition is a competition in the field of CAD (Computer Aided Design) which is used to draw a product or part of a product where the object to be described can be represented by lines or symbols that have a specific meaning. CAD can be 2-dimensional images and 3-dimensional images.
"In Mechanical Fair 2018, it uses a physical model system, which is a design based on the workpiece given during the race. The workpiece used is "Broco T Arde" or T connection which has the aim to increase the level of CAD skills which is equivalent to the national LKS with a full working time of four hours, "explained Riska.

Meanwhile, the 3G Welding Competition is a welding competition which is held with the aim of accommodating vocational students to sharpen and enhance the mental competitiveness of the participants. .

According to Riska, the race system used is welding with a 3G vertical up position using a strip plate with a size of 10x100x300 mm. "In the implementation of this competition, it was divided into 3 sessions of 11 people in the first group, 10 people for the second group, and 10 people for the third group with 90 minutes each," he explained.
"The assessment system is carried out by visual test or physically observed, if there is the same value, a bending test will be conducted to find out which weld is better," Riska said.
The results of the competition for Java CAD Competition, 1st place was won by Muhammad Fikri Pratama from SMK 5 Surabaya, second place was by Rifky Eka Saputra from SMK N 2 Yogyakarta and Third Place was for Endhy Priambodo from SMK N 2 Cilacap.

While the 3G Welding Competition, the first winner was won by Dadang Eka Syaputra from SMK N 1 Udanawu Blitar, the second winner was by Vagiano Feby Dwi Sumarto from Rez 1 Jetis Mojokerto and the third winner was Moch. Nur Isnaen from SMK N 2 Cilacap. (hryo)