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In the framework of online users in the 4.0 Industry era, the Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd, signed the MoU with the Rector of UT, Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus, Ph.D, this collaboration covers the fields of education, research, community service and human resource development.

The event was held at the UNY Auditorium recently, on the sidelines of the Online Education Socialization with the keynote Speaker of the UT Rector , Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus, Ph.D. and the submission of the UNY progress program with the Rector of UNY before the university leaders and lecturers in Yogyakarta State University.

Prof. Ojat Darojat, M.Bus, Ph.D, UT Chancellor said that the signing of the MoU between UNY and UT was in the framework of strengthening cooperation, because previously UNY had been a coach since UT was established around 1984, such as the UPJJ / UT Yogyakarta building owned by UNY and new will be submitted now.

The Chancellor of UT explained, to succeed in the Menristekdikti program to raise the APK (gross partition number) which is still low at 31.5, while it is different from neighboring Asian countries such as Malaysia 42, Thailand 48, Singapore 78, and also the average APK in ASEAN according to information already at number 40. "Then in 2022 Menristekdikti wanted to make the program so that the APK in Indonesia increased from 31.5 to 42, and according to information that the Indonesian APK 31.5, there were around 68.5 million high school graduates or below who could not continue to tertiary education, and there is no other way to ensure PJJ (distance education) in this case on-line learning education, so that people in rural areas who cannot continue their education because they are far away and still want to help their parents or maybe because of the costs very high because they have to come and stay in the city, then by on-line or e-learning they can continue st Ed, "explained Ojat Darojat.

Ojat Darojat hopes to welcome the industrial era 4.0 where our graduates can have online learning experiences, so that there should be no graduates from one of the universities in Indonesia who do not have insight into online education or e-learning, Ojat stressed.

UNY RectorProf. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd, in her explanation to the media said that UNY was pioneering lectures on non-practice courses with e-learning methods, if the course of course must be full face to face. "Seeing the orientation of education in the industrial era 4.0 we must be able to make efficient breakthroughs by utilizing blended learning and we don't build much space except practice space because it is part of improving the quality of higher education", explained Sutrisna Wibawa.

Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd, that our hope that our education in Indonesia will grow further, and it is possible to see government policies in this case Kemenristekdikti has allowed foreign PTN to enter, then a suitable spending model is e-learning or blended learning and we must prepare yourself there. "So that with blended learning when we will be more and more flexible in interacting. Students also have to read a lot and do assignments and the lecturer can also give feedback on the assignments given to students, not because e-learning then the lecturers are quiet a lot of course there must be interaction ", said Sutrisna Wibawa.- (@rbima)