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Yogyakarta State University managed to maintain its position by remaining in the first cluster of non-vocational tertiary educational institutions at the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in 2018. The Director General of Science and Technology Institutions and Higher Education Patdono Suwignjo said that this clustering was conducted to map Indonesian universities under the auspices of the Ministry of Research and Technology to improve the quality of universities continuously high in implementing the Tridharma of higher education. PT ranking has been carried out since 2015 with the aim of continuous improvement of PT, and assessing the health level of PT organizations in Indonesia. In 2018, 5 PT clusters were produced, with the composition of cluster 1 (14 PT), cluster 2 (72 PT), cluster 3 (299 PT), cluster 4 (1,470 PT), and cluster 5 (155). In the first cluster or the best cluster, UNY was ranked 11th with a score of 2.86 and was the highest ranking for universities LPTK (Educational Institution of Education Personnel).

Chancellor of Yogyakarta State University, Sutrisna Wibawa said that this year's ranking was quite tight because there were those who were thrown from cluster 1, but there were also universities that entered. "Thank you for your hard work, let us improve and continue to lead the world after national excellence" said Sutrisna Wibawa. The Chancellor invited the UNY academic community to support clustering nationally by paying attention to the indicator points in order to increase excellence in the future. The aspects and weight of each indicator in the clustering of higher education this year are 25% human resources, 28% institutions, 12% student affairs, 30% research and community service and 5% innovation. (Dedy)