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Carnival Team of the Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University was ordained champion of the World Costume Festival in the Philippines after winning first prize in two categories of competition i.e. Booth Competition and Costume Design Competition (20-26 / 10) in the Philippines.

World Costume Festival itself is a world-class contest held once every three years. This event is a very prestigious event among international level costume designers. World Costume Festival was perfectly packaged by the Organization of International Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians (OISTAT). World Costume Festival was held on 20-26 October 2016 in Vigan City Ilocos Sur, Philippines.

FE YSU’s Carnival team followed the World Costume Festival for the second time this year and, earlier in the 2013. At the World Costume Festival 2016 FE YSU’s team was invited by the Mayor of Vigan because in the 2013 the team was awarded 1st.

At the World Costume Festival 2016, in addition to a costume competition, there is a series of activities that must be followed including, workshops, acoustic competition, flight of sky lanterns, raniag electric float parade, candle floater and raniag Street dancing.

FE YSU’s Carnival Team sent 11 people including Lecturer coaches UKMF Carnival FE YSU Afif Ghurub Bestari, M.Pd. This team is listed as 5 entries, with each title; "“PRABHA” “MEMBARUPA”, “WUYUNG”, “CIDRA”, “PUNGGAWA” in the competition. There are two categories of competition in the World Costume Festival, namely: 1. Booth Competition 2. Costume Design Competition. Various countries joined the World Costume Festival such as; the Philippines, Japan, India, Egypt, Nigeria, the United States and Indonesia. While the delegation of Indonesia are FE YSU’s Carnival Team and Art Institute of Indonesia Padang Panjang.

Before the parade started, Afir Ghurub Bestari, M.Pd invoked the spirit of the students by saying "retaining the title more difficult than seizing, but we have to believe because the results will never lie to the process," he said

After the assessment sessions on the booth and costumes parade, the committee immediately announced World Championship Costume Festival winners with the following results; Booth Competition category: 1st Place FE YSU Carnival Team Indonesia, the Philippines 2nd Place, 3rd Place Philippines and Costume Design Competition category: 1st Place FE YSU Carnival Team Indonesia, Japan 2nd Place, 3rd Place Philippines. With these results FE YSU Carnival Team became the General Champion winning 1st place in two categories. After the submission of the trophy, Laura Crow as the jury of OISTAT said "I'm really looking forward to the appearance of YSU team since the preparation of competition to the parade and it was very impressive."

The Mayor of Vigan City during a meeting with representatives of the delegation at City Hall also gave credit and praise to FE YSU’s Team "The works of FE YSU’s Carnival Team was very inspiring for the people of Vigan Philippines in making costumes performing arts, especially since the team victory as Grand Champion World Costume Festival in 2013.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Novesar Jamaru, MS as companion of the Indonesian team said that the student's participation in the international activities is important, evidently we joined this event for the first time and very enthusiastic ". During the parade preparations, Prof. Dr. Novesar Jamaru, MS, who also served as the Rector of ISI Padang Panjang argued that "YSU seemed very prepared for this competition and it cannot be denied that YSU is a very tough competitor." (Dicky Nurul / FTUNY)