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Automotive Engineering Education Department held a public lecture in collaboration with Dr. Horizon Gitano-Briggs, of Focus Applied Technologies, Penang Malaysia (27/09-2016) in the Hall of KPLT FE YSU. The visiting Professor of the University Science Malaysia shared tips for succeeding in the Shell eco-marathon race.

Eco-Marathon itself is an annual competition sponsored by Shell, where participants compete to create a special vehicle that can make fuel efficiency as much as possible. The Eco-Marathon is held around the world in Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, the USA and Malaysia.

Dr. Horizon Gitano-Briggs said that to achieve the maximum efficiency level in the race such as Shell Eco-Marathon there are at least three required main factors that must be considered, those are the factors of vehicle by reducing engine power and improving the operation of the engine. "Then the third factor is race technique to maximize the ability of vehicles and engines where selections for lines on the track and the racer profile are also very decisive," he added.

"In finding the best work, there are some steps that must be passed such as review of what is currently already created then do a comparison of the design that has been created with the current one, hence conducting test to see how well our innovation is necessary," said by the man who hold a Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado State University.

"Then what is offered by Focus Applied Technology? What we offer is a vehicle testing equipment, engine control systems, alternative fuel and electrical systems. We are a partner of Malaysian Standards Organization (SIRIM) and works with both the PBB and the GIZ.

"Our concern is in the field of transport related to scientific equipment including Electronic Control Systems Engineering, Engineering and Chassis Dynamometers as well as various research & development as well as to provide testing for engineering services ", said Dr. Horizon.

"Our specialty is in engine and vehicle technology. We have developed a range of equipment for all automotive parts and continue to develop tools for fuel efficiency, "added Dr. Horizon who is also the Chief Technology Officer at the Clean Engine International. (haryo)