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Students of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMNS), Yogyakarta State University (YSU), namely Herianto from Natural Science Education, Lailatul Fitriyah from Biology Education and Arum Wiranti from Chemistry initiated Qur'anic Studies App for students of junior high schools / madrasah tsanawiyah. The application was entitled “Integrating Science and Religion through Autoplay Media Studio-based Learning Media Development for Natural Sciences on the Material ‘Human Creation’. This innovation was encouraged by issues in education, that mostly concerns secularization on science that is strongly influenced by the Western perspective. In fact, Western scientists do not include religious values into science. They consider science merely as science, while knowledge of God or religion is not considered science. As a result, lots of younger generation of Indonesia are genious intellectually but not spiritually. That is why, it requires efforts to integrate between science and religion in a subject taught at schools.

According to Lailatul Fitriyah, one of the Natural Science materials which can be integrated with religion, is human reproductive system that can be linked with human creation in the Islamic religious subject. "In the Qur'an, there are two surah that mention in detail the creation of mankind, i.e. surah Al Mu'minun verse 12-14 and Surah Al Mu'min verse 67" said Herianto. In this case, it is advisable to employ multimedia-based learning media using autoplay media studio app as a learning media to explain human creation and reproduction. Arum Wiranti added that the app was created with autoplay media studio that can unify a wide range of file types such as sound, video, text, image, flash, pdf and word file into a presentation and also the calling menu can be made to each page. There are several menus presented in the app, namely Home menu, learning objectives, materials, training, guidance, core competence, and basic competence. The learning media is intended for class IX students of junior high school or madrasah tsanawiyah. The goal of this app is to facilitate students in learning Natural Sciences material that is inserted with religious values.

The app secured the 3rd place in the National Al-Qur'an Scientific Writing (LKTA) organized by Manarul ' Ilmi Masjid Jamaa'ah (JMMI) of Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS). This competition was a series of Ramadan agendas on campus (DRC) ITS 1437 H and implemented on Sunday, June 19, 2016 at the Student Community Center (SCC) ITS. The Chairman of the team, Herianto, said that the competition was so tight as all teams have a great work, making it difficult to predict who would be the winner. "Although we are unable to be the best, we remain thankful as we can be Big 3 from a total of approximately 150 participants who followed the competition" Herianto stated. (Herianto)