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Yogyakarta State University welcomed the visit from the heads Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama) University at the East Meeting Room 2, YSU Rectorate on Tuesday 10 May 2016. The heads of UPDM(B) are the UPDM(B) Rector Prof. Dr. Rudy Harjanto, M.M., UPDM’s Foundation Chairman Drg. H. Hermanto JM, SKG., M.M., Foundation member, Prof. Dr. Thomas Suyatno, M.M., Vice Rector on Academic Affairs Dr. Sumarhadi, S.E., M.M, Head of the Academic Bureau Dr. Bambang Winarso, M.Sc., and Head of Partnership Division Dr. Mediana Handayani, M.Si. They were welcomed by YSU’s Vice Rector IV, Dr.rer.nat. Senam, Head of YSU’s Academic Bureau, Sukirjo M.Pd., YSU’s Vice Rector 1 Expert Staff, Drs. Moch. Slamet, Ms. dan YSU’s Vice Rector IV Expert Staff, Losina Purnastuti, SE., M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D.

In this meeting, the Rector of UPDM(B) Prof. Dr. Rudy Harjanto, M.M., stated that YSU is the home base for educators and we would like to know how to manage education in a better way. “Especially, UPDM(B) would like to strengthen the cooperation in developing and training competent lecturers".

Prof. Dr. Thomas Suyatno, as the elder member of the UPDM(B) Foundation admitted “We are so new in the didactic method. Meanwhile, we see that one of the YSU’s excellences is in the teaching-learning method which is in keeping with the progress and rules nowadays.” UPDM(B) is interested to cooperate with YSU in the training of curriculum and teaching method for lecturers.

Dr.rer.nat. Senam as the Vice Rector IV of YSU stated that YSU has experts in the field of curriculum, educational technology, and also educational psychology. YSU will always welcome the good intentions of UPDM(B) in order to realize the training of curriculum and teaching for the UPDM(B)’s lecturer which will be held on the 23th -24th May 2016. In order to support the cooperation between YSU and UPDM(B), both parties decided to compose an MoU immediately as the legal protection for upcoming agenda (Laksa).