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Housed in Dance and Music Laboratory, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FLA) of Yogyakarta State University (YSU), Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A. as the Dean of FLA YSU welcomed the coming of 4 students from Netherlands (5/2/2016). This is the third times for Fontys University to send their students to seek for knowledge in YSU. Previously, in 2014 and 2015, Fontys also mandated some of the outstanding students to deepen their knowledge in Indonesian language and culture for one semester and then to teach in an elementary school in Yogyakarta.

This welcoming event was facilitated by Public Relations and Cooperation Division of Faculty of Languages and Arts, YSU. Attending the agenda were the Dean of FLA, Head of Public Relations and Cooperation Division, lecturers, tutors, and some of FLA students appointed to guide and accompany those 4 Fontys Students to getting acquaintance with YSU. The 4 students of Fontys University who are lucky enough to taste the atmosphere of Indonesian life and culture directly, particularly in Yogyakarta are Silvie Coppelmans, Pien Stortelder, Evelien Eva Hinderkien Strijbos, and Luke Heuer. Those students would get indelible experience of teaching in an elementary school in Yogyakarta.

Previously, 5 English Education Department students of YSU also grabbed the chance of learning directly in Netherlands. Now, they have duty to guide while accompanying the Fontys students in adapting with YSU environment.

After opening the Welcoming Ceremony, the Dean of FLA delivered her opening remarks and stated her hope that those students can learn further about Indonesian culture. One of those students, Luke, thanked YSU for the warm acceptance and revealed his enthusiasm of studying at FLA YSU. “Kami tidak sabar ingin segera belajar (we are eager to study soon),” he said, then was applauded by all attendants. The agenda proceeded to unconference to introduce Indonesian food, such as serabi and misoa. (e.saf/Humas FBS)