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“Hopefully, your experience of joining credit transfer program could be disseminated to the other students in Medan” says Drs. Wardan Suyanto, M.A., Ed.D. in Farewell Ceremony of Credit Transfer Program of Medan State University (MSU) students in Yogyakarta State University (YSU). The agenda took place on Friday (21/1/2016) from 13.00 to 14.30 in East Meeting Room, YSU Rectorate Building. Attending the agenda were Drs. Wardan Suyanto, M.A., Ed.D. as YSU Vice Rector 1; Dr. Taat Wulandari as Vice Dean 1, Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) YSU; Dr. Mukhamad Murdiono, S.Pd.,M.Pd. as the Head of Civil and Law Education, FSS YSU; Dr. Hastuti, M.Si. as the Head of Geography Education FSS YSU, and Drs. HY Agus Murdiyastomo, M.Hum. as the Head of History Education. The 10 MSU students taking credit transfer program were also reported to attend the agenda.

The agenda started with opening remarks from Drs. Wardan Suyanto, M.A., Ed.D. He revealed, “Cultural experiences in Yogyakarta must be a reflection for MSU students as Yogyakarta is the miniature city of Indonesia. The cooperation is expected to enhance Indonesian nationality. He then extended his wishes that those MSU students could widen their knowledge after gaining benefits from free 24-hour internet facility and integrated online library provided by YSU.

The cooperation between YSU and MSU started with MOU signing. Then, on 29 December 2014, 10 MSU students were sent to YSU to join credit transfer programs. In addition to academic programs, those students were also exposed with facilities and culture in Yogyakarta and the surroundings. In the agenda, a student of MSU expected that there would be follow-up after this program.

The agenda was ended with exchange of token of appreciation and photo session. (Andre)