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Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University (Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta) has just launched its first TV station located in LPTK building, 2nd floor (30/12-2015). The channel is aired on CH-21 or UHF 471.25 Mhz by manual setting. Production director of the FT UNY TV, Dr.Sri Waluyanti from Electronics Engineering Study Program mentioned the TV station, or TV lab unit to be exact, is designed to support the learning process of students particularly those majoring audio – video, and other related subjects, namely radio or tv transmitter, and telecommunication.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Moch. Bruri Triyono, expressed his relief over the launching of this TV unit lab. “Of course, the lab would be a means to channel students’ creativity, not only for Electronics Engineering students, but also students of other related study programs”, he said.

“We could set a cooking program, just like what’s populer in most televisions today, by inviting guest lecturers and students of Culinary to host. In the near future,Fashion Show held annually by students of Fashion could also be aired, Live on FT TV”, he added.

In addition, the Dean also expressed his expectation towards the TV. “We hope, the TV unit lab is not merely the field for student practice, but could also transform into promotion channel in the attempt to enhance brand image of the faculty.
“Facilities in this lab will improve in stages and will soon be completed in accordance with standards of the real TV station,” he ascertained.

Prof. Soenarto, Ph.D, the professor for Electronics Engineering Education who has long experience in television industry as he works on TVRI (Indonesian TV station) since 80’s, also showed his excitement with the birth of TV unit lab in the faculty. “It’s like the dream comes true, so I suggest all parties including lecturers and students to improve themselves along with the development of this lab.” He continued.

“One crucial thing in television industry is the programs, which include three production stages, namely pre-production, production and post-production; all of them require perseverance, skills, and experience,” says the Professor.

“I think it is necessary to conduct internship program in TV stations so both students and lecturers could live in the real production processes, namely in arranging a program, making a script, and shooting. This is obviously still a long journey to go, but it could be the good initial stage for development and advancement of both the faculty and the university, “ Prof. Soenarto added. (PR of Faculty of Engineering YSU)