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Education is one of the right ways to enhance human resource development in a country. Today, learning medium is very important in delivering education because it will help improve the understanding of students by teachers; including on accounting subject. To teach accounting, one of the best learning media is education games, which began to develop these days. Through games, students could be easier to understand, remember, and apply accounting materials they gained.

However, at this time, many high school students admitted they are getting bored when studying accounting. That is because the learning method on the accounting subject is still dominated by lecture and dictation. This fact underlies the motivation of a team of students from Faculty of Economics (FE), Yogyakarta State University (YSU) to follow Paper Competition-Indonesia Student Researcher Festival (ISRF) 2015, from 3 to 6 December 2015 at Indonesia University of Education with the theme of "Innovative Work of Nation Youth as the Key toward the 2045 Golden Indonesia".

Adetia Ratih Pratiwi and Zahra Nurda'Ali (Accounting Education), and Fajar Indra Prasetyo (Economics Education) proposed an idea as a creative and innovative solution in overcoming saturation in students when studying accounting materials related to services company. The idea was poured into a scientific paper entitled "Android-based Education Game of Adventure of FOPYS (Fire or Point Your Service) as Accounting Learning Media for High School Students to Understand Service Companies".

Adventure of FOPYS, is an Android-based role and playing game which includes accounting materials of services companies. The core of the game is collecting as many points as possible after completing the tasks in every mission. During the adventure, there are some challenges that must be met in order to earn points. At the end of each level, the teacher could see the total points for evaluation of the learning materials.

Awarded Best Paper of the education sub theme, this game has managed to accomplish various phases. There are very long stages to go, from selection of 450 abstracts to 60 best works for each sub theme; then, 6 papers advanced to the final stage and were allowed to present their work. At the end, Adetia and friends were applauded for the best work in education sub theme. "We are very grateful to be able to raise Faculty of Economics, YSU despite so many stages to go, but still we were given opportunity to excel," says Adetia as the team spokesperson and one of the administrators in Faculty Student Creativity Unit (FSCU) of Research Community and Reasoning, YSU.

On the technology sub theme, the Best Paper predicate goes to students of Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, while for social and humanity sub theme, the predicate is awarded to students of University of Muhammadiyah Malang. "Our thanks extend to God Almighty, our parents who always pray for us, ms. Adeng Pustikaningsih who has supervised our paper writing, and all friends who have provided motivation and assistance" Adetia added. (fadhli)