Presentation of Study and Scholarship at the University of Technology Malaysia

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Housed in the Graduate School Building 3rd Floor YSU, the University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) carried out presentation of studies and scholarships at University of Technology Malaysia (9/11/2015). Coming as the facilitators of the presentation were Dr. Mahani Mokhtar, Dr. Norashykin Mohn Zaid, and En. Mohd Ali bin Ibrahim from Department of Educational Foundation, Faculty of Education, UTM. The event gained widespread acceptance. More than 100 students attended the event.

Opened by Prof. Dr. Muhiyadi from the Faculty of Social Sciences YSU, he asserted "You (participants) need not to be frightened to continue further study in UTM, given the language is Malay, which is quite similar to Indonesian language".

After the opening speech, the event continued with the presentation of study and academic activities at UTM. Dr Mahani Mohktar informed that the academic system at UTM is a little different from that of YSU. For example, at UTM, all education-related departments are in one faculty, namely Faculty of Education. Meanwhile, in YSU, departments with focus on education are spread in some faculties, as YSU is a campus focusing on education and teaching. She then explained the types of courses that can be taken, especially for doctoral programs, i.e., Part time, Full time, and Full Research.

One participant addressed an inquiry to the speaker regarding the possibility for having Sandwich Program in UTM. Dr Mahani Mokhtar stated a possibility for conducting this program but is better known as student mobility. Furrther, she mentioned this activity is very likely to be implemented in the future.

Presentation of study and scholarships in UTM ended with a video displaying a brief profile of Faculty of Education, UTM. (Wulan)