Stikes Guna Bangsa Students Practicum at UNY

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A total of 44 students of the Nursing program from STIKES Guna Bangsa Yogyakarta practiced in the Physics Education laboratory and the Biology Education laboratory of UNY. The practice was held on Saturday, 2/3/24. Students were divided into 2 groups. The first group of 22 students went to the Basic Physics laboratory, and the other group went to the Basic Biology laboratory. The practicum was guided by the lecturers in the laboratory.

In the Basic Biology laboratory, the students followed the practice of measuring PH with a PH meter, Solution Separation Technique, and LIPID extraction from Chicken Eggs.  The practice of LIPID extraction from chicken eggs aims to understand the principles and methods of good and correct filtering through lipid extraction activities from chicken eggs. The observation step carried out is that the egg yolk is dissolved in a mixture of 50 ml of alcohol and 25 ml of ether while stirring for about 10 minutes. Then filter the mixture with thick filter paper into a beaker (glass jar) which is placed on a glass funnel and moistened with alcohol. The filtrate obtained was evaporated with a waterbath until a solid was formed. After that, some of the solids were tested for solubility in water.

While in the Basic Physics laboratory, the students practiced Measurement and Uncertainty, magnification dimmers, and diffraction gratings. The purpose of the diffraction grating practice is to investigate the diffraction of monochromatic light on a grating. Another goal is to determine the monochromatic wavelength.

After completing the practical, the two groups exchanged laboratories to follow the practicum. Those who were previously in the Basic Biology laboratory moved to the Basic Physics laboratory and vice versa. The students looked serious and enthusiastic about the practicum. It has been several years since Stikes Guna Bangsa Nursing study program students have participated in practicum in the FMIPA UNY laboratory.

Dedy, Tj.Lak