Building the quality of human resources in North Kalimantan Province through the Recognition of Past Learning Program (RPL)

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The Regional Secretary of North Kalimantan Province, Dr. H. Suriansyah, M. AP, led a cooperation visit to UNY on February 2, 2024. "North Kalimantan was formed based on Law No. 20 of 2012 with a population of only 700 thousand people. As a province that is still 12 years old, we are progressively cooperating in various fields, such as improving teacher academic qualification and quality," said Suriansyah.

Vice-Rector for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems and Entrepreneurship of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Prof. Margana welcomed this collaboration because it followed the UNY partnership principle through hexahelix-based collaboration. "The collaboration between the North Kalimantan government and UNY includes various dimensions of cooperation, one of which is RPL students," said Margana.

Several schemes can be initiated during this visit because the Directorate of Research and Community Service is present. The Directorate of Cooperation, Information Systems, and Business oversees research and community service so that it can be guarded regarding this both from the system and mapping the various research possibilities that can be carried out with the allocation of funds from the North Kalimantan Government related to MSMEs, human resources, physical and non-physical disaster mapping, such as the management of agricultural products.

Dedy, Tj.Lak