UNY Students Promote Inclusive Learning through Posters

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There are still many schools in Indonesia that are not fully willing to accept children with special needs and implement inclusive education due to a lack of understanding of disability issues. This is the money of the UNY student team consisting of Hanifah Mar'atush Shalihah (Mathematics Education), Yunita Ambarwati (Special Education i), and Asma' Khoirunnisa' (Statistics) who are members of the Sembagi Arutala team.

Hanifah Mar'atush Shalihah sees that the implementation of inclusive education still faces many challenges that are very counterproductive in realizing the true function and nature of schools. "Through a poster titled 'Actualizing Potential to Create Glorious Works Through Inclusive Education', we hope to open our views on education that is intended for all groups together," she said, Wednesday, June 7, 2023.

The poster is expected to be able to bring hope to open a broad view of all Indonesian people about Inclusive Education aimed at all groups. Yunita Ambarwati targets for students to increase their knowledge and awareness of disability issues, facilitate understanding of the concept of inclusion and provide interesting visuals to help remember information. "It also increases public awareness about the urgency of inclusive education and motivates people to take a role in guarding disability issues, especially in the community," said Yunita. For the government, posters can be used as educational tools, such as posters that show how to use certain equipment or materials correctly, or posters that provide specific information.

Asma' Khoirunnisa' explained that the method used to make the poster was Design Thinking, which is an innovation-based design method that relies on finding solutions to solve problems. "We started by conducting a survey on UNY students, then based on the data obtained, we can define the lack of knowledge and awareness of Indonesian about inclusive education," she explained.

According to supervisor Heru Sukoco, S.Si., M.Pd. the poster by Sembagi Arutala team will compete in LIDM with posters from other universities from all over Indonesia. "They want to reaffirm the importance of inclusivity in education. Every child has the right to get the same education without exception, including children with disabilities. In achieving the goal of inclusive education, the role of all of us is very important," said Heru Sukoco. To support the Sembagi Arutala team in LIDM, please visit https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq8NuHkSL3a/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=. In addition, this poster has also received an IPR Certificate (Intellectual Property Rights), namely Copyright Number 000471303 for the Type of Poster Creation with the same title. Heru hopes that the UNY team can achieve the best achievement in this year's LIDM. 

Sudaryono, Tj.Lak