UNY's Role in Poverty Alleviation

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In poverty alleviation, the first thing to change is the mindset. The growth mindset-based development program is intended for training of trainers while for students there is a growth mindset development program. In accordance with the main task of UNY, the acceleration of human resource development through education, acceleration of research innovation through research and acceleration of community development through community service are developed. This was said by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Cooperation of UNY, Prof. Siswantoyo, during the visitation of the National Leadership Training participants on Wednesday (24/5).

UNY has a poverty alleviation program in the form of 'UNY Mbangun Deso' (UNY Develops Villages) in the form of synergy between thematic community service, emancipation learning, Assisted Villages and Golden Village. "UNY has advantages in several study programs both vocational and bachelor that can partner with villages in Indonesia to produce superior villages," said Siswantoyo. The UNY model of building villages is a collaboration between the Campus, Kraton, Village, Official and Community. According to him, one of the manifestations of this collaboration is the golden village in Krapyak Seyegan. This village is a Pioneer with several products in the form of culinary excellent products, fruit and vegetables product, fishery products, poultry products, excellent art and sport activities, and excellent education for community empowerment and sustainability and welfare of village communities.

This activity was opened by the Rector of UNY, Prof. Sumaryanto,  and attended by 14 participants accompanied by four Pusdiklat teams namely Dr. Bakrun (Widyaiswara Coordinator), Ibrahim, MM (Widyaiswara Supervisor), ) Akhmad Hadi, M.Pd (Leadership Training Team Leader) and Helmi Azharudin, MH. (Training Analyst).  National Leadership Training is a training directed at building, developing participants' competencies as leaders of strategic change. The participants are officials / candidates for Primary High Leadership officials who are strategic positions that bridge policy directions into policy strategies and practices that must be implemented operationally by the bureaucracy. Widyaiswara Coordinator and group leader, Dr. Bakrun, said that this activity was a visitation of national training participants which aimed to find out the role of higher education in supporting poverty alleviation. This activity enriched with a discussion and question and answer session.

Sudaryono, Tj.Lak