Processing Coconut into Sweet and Savory Chips

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Coconut is one of the typical tropical plants found in Bojong 3 Village, Panjatan, Kulonprogo. Citra Ramadhani, a diploma student of Food Engineering UNY, tried to develop coconut processing innovations in the form of coconut chips. "The community has not optimally utilized raw coconut, so I took the initiative to process coconut into chips," said Citra on Thursday (20/4).

Citra shared her knowledge through a cooking class with the Bojong 3 community. Citra developed coconut chips with a sweet and savory taste, sweet from sugar and savory from coconut and salt. The coconut used is medium coconut, the use of medium coconut affects the quality of crunchiness of coconut chips. Older coconut is difficult to peel with a peeler and has a hard texture. On the other hand, any young coconut has a too-soft texture for making chips

One of the residents of Bojong 3, Nur Aisyah, gave feedback on the results of the coconut chips that had been demonstrated. "It tastes good, crispy, sweet, and can be used as a snack," said Nur Aisyah. The coconut chips are also presented in pouch packaging, which makes them easy to carry, and attractive labels so they can be resold. This work program can help the economy in Bojong 3 Village and is also one of the innovations in processing coconut into high-value finished products.

Sudaryono, Tj.Lak