The faculty of education and psychology in collaboration with guidance and counseling (BK) IKIP Siliwangi held a workshop with the theme “The Face of Guidance and Counseling in the Era of Independent Campus Learning” on Thursday, February 16, 2023, in the 3rd Floor Hall Room of the Integrated Laboratory Building of FIPP UNY. This event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Education and psychological Sciences UNY, Prof. Dr. Sujarwo, M.Pd., Vice Dean for RKSIU FIPP UNY, Dr. Joko Pamungkas, M.Pd., Head of the Department of ESD FIPP UNY, Dr. Sigit Sanyata, M.Pd., the speakers Prof. Dr. Muh Farozin, M.Pd., and Fathur Rohman, M.Si, several lecturers of the BK Study Program and the UUIK FIPP UNY team.
The workshop was attended by 12 lecturers and 207 students from IKIP Siliwangi. The speaker Fathur Rohman, M.Si. delivered the topic on the Infusion of Pancasila Student Profile and Character reinforcement in Guidance and Counseling. Meanwhile, Prof. Muh Farozin, M.Pd. explained the Guidance and Counseling Profession in Independent Campus Learning.
Furthermore, according to Fathur Rohman, there is a mutual relationship between guidance and counseling, character education, and Pancasila learner profile. "The intersection of the three main elements (Independence, Pancasila Student Profile, and Character Reinforcement) which shows the existence of guidance and counseling can be used as a "normative goal pillar" for the efforts of guidance and counseling services carried out in schools," explained Fathur.
He added, it is necessary to shift the paradigm of guidance and counseling "from just a service that is reactive and responsive, towards the paradigm of guidance and counseling as a program. The process of infusing values and sources of reference norms such as independence, Pancasila Student Profile, and reinforcement of character must be carried out in curricula and structured in the form of programs. Meanwhile, responsive counseling services are complementary. Guidance and counseling teachers in schools creatively and critically must be able to identify the source of reference values and norms from the Pancasila Learner Profile and Character Reinforcement into the achievement of guidance and counseling goals. The whole must be neatly framed in the domains of personality, social, learning, and career development.
In addition, Prof. Dr. Muh Farozin, elaborated on the details related to guidance and counseling, within the framework of education. He stated that guidance and counseling is an integral part of education. Guidance and counseling is a profession, which has an umbrella regulation as the basis of professional counseling services. Guidance and Counseling helps achieve educational goals and the field of guidance and counseling continues to develop in accordance with the development of science and technology.
In relation to Guidance and Counseling in Independent Learning, Muh Farozin added, the implementation of comprehensive counseling services is consistent with the principles of the Independent Curriculum, which is learner-centered to achieve optimal development and complete independence which includes personal, learning, social, and career aspects.