Fun Aerobics with IKAPEN UNY

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"As a retiree, we must always maintain our strength and health, especially at this age. That's why we always regularly hold aerobics together, not only for our health but also to maintain friendship among retirees like us," said the chairperson of IKAPEN (The association of retiree) UNY, Dr. Sardiman, as he opened the aerobics event with IKAPEN UNY on Sunday morning (19/2) in the courtyard of the Rectorate of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. This aerobics activity is held regularly, and was attended by at least 60 retirees from various units and faculties within UNY. Not only the retirees, but also the Rector of UNY, Vice Rector for General Affairs and Resources, Vice Rector for Planning and Finance, and several Directorates were also attending the activity.

The Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes. in his remarks expressed his gratitude for holding this aerobics activity, because it is always held regularly so that the relationship can be maintained and not be forget about UNY in the future, "Matur sembah nuwun (I want to show my gratitude), the seniors have pleased to take part in this aerobics activity, the point is that we are CN-CN, aka ceneng-ceneng (having fun), the aerobics is also as strong as the movement, the important thing is that the heart is happy". Prof. Sumaryanto also explained that UNY has now become a PTNBH (State Universities with Legal Status), and this change has made some adjustments to the organizational structure of UNY, including the name of the faculty and the arrangement of the buildings.

Aerobics with light movements are devoted to strengthening the heart and other motor muscles adjusted to participants who are mostly over 50 years old. After the Aerobics activity, all participants took photos with the leaders who attended the activity, then continued with a meal together and a karaoke entertainment initiated by Mr. Sunomo, a retired engineering faculty lecturer, with singers from the aerobics participants who donated their beautiful voices.
