Students of Sociology Education Conducted A Fieldwork Lecture in Baduy Tribe

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A Fieldwork Lecture is one of the required courses in Sociology Education Department Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. In this year, the Fieldwork Lecture was done by students of Sociology Education 2021 and accompanied by three lecturers. The lecturers are Datu Jawmiko S.Pd., M.A, Sasiana Gilar Apriantika S.Pd., M.A, and Dwi Agusitiana M.A. The activity that has been done recently has several destinations or places that will be visited by the students. Those several destinations are Baduy Tribe, Office of the National Unity and Political Agency of West Java (KESBANGPOL JABAR), Kampung Toleransi Gang Luna, and Farm House.

This activity in the Baduy Tribe wants to see how the process of interaction and life in the Baduy Tribe especially in the Baduy Dalam Tribe (the Baduy Tribe who have limited contact with the outside world and do not use any modern technology). The students who joined in this Fieldwork Lecture would do the life activity and stay with family of Baduy Tribe for one night. The students did many activities, such as cooking, having conversation with Abah and Ambu (their foster parents during their stay in Baduy Tribe), and doing Forum Group Discussion (FGD) with Puun (Baduy Dalam chieftain). There are so many things the students can learn while in Baduy Tribe, those are learn to respect the nature by not using chemical for shower, respect the traditional culture by not recording or taking any pictures of Baduy Dalam Tribe, and interact with the society directly and learn various cultures and traditions of Baduy Tribe.

On the fourth day, the group visited the Office of the National Unity and Political Agency of West Java (KESBANGPOL JABAR), Kampung Toleransi Gang Luna, and Farm House. In the first place, namely the Office of the National Unity and Political Agency of West Java (KESBANGPOL JABAR) the groups studied related to politics. How a political campaign can be carried out, political activities in West Java, and tips or ways to do politics appropriately. In the second place, namely Kampung Toleransi Gang Luna, the group toured this village. This visit in Luna Village opened insights related to religiously different communities able to stay and live together in this one village. The village has 4 churches, 4 monasteries, and 2 mosques adjoining each other. These diverse religious activities do not make it difficult for people to do worship. Every religion that has worship activities will be supported by helping worship activities by maintaining the safety of worship greetings in this Kampung Toleransi Luna Gang. The final destination is the Farm House in Lembang. In this last place, the group enjoyed their last relaxing time in Bandung, especially in Lembang. At this Farm House, the group enjoyed a vacation in the natural tourism of Farm House Lembang Bandung. After various Fieldwork Lecture activities for 3 days in Bandung, the whole group finally traveled back to Yogyakarta on the fourth day. Then the whole group arrived in Yogyakarta again on the fifth day, January 20, 2023, early in the morning.

The trip, which was carried out for a total of 5 days in the Fieldwork Lecture activity, had an impression on the participants who participated in it. This short Fieldwork Lecture activity has brought an interesting impression and story to everyone who participated in it.

Nanda, Tia