Monitoring of Education Affirmation Scholarship Receivers

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Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a monitoring and evaluation for the receivers of higher education affirmation scholarships (ADik) for the 2016-2021 generation in the Main Conference Room of the Rectorate, Friday (3/2). This activity was attended by more than 90 students who received affirmation scholarships spread across 44 study programs at UNY. Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of UNY Prof. Siswantoyo said that a number of strategic steps were taken for the scholarship recipients, including helping them to become excellent students. "They are also assisted to be more enthusiastic in pursuing their studies," said Siswantoyo. According to the lecturer of the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, students can linger in Yogyakarta in order to study, by continuing to postgraduate through scholarships. There must be ups and downs, so a tactical mentoring strategy is needed by collaborating with the alumni who finished early and successful alumni. In accordance with the research roadmap for the development of the study program, it will be mapped out which ones can be collaborated with partners from outside the campus.

According to the Expert Staff for welfare and special interest, Arwan Nur Ramadhan, M.Pd, this activity was carried out in order to monitor students receiving affirmation scholarships. According to him, there were 116 students receiving affirmation scholarships at UNY. "The most ADik students are in the Faculty of Languages, Arts, and Cultures with a total of 29 people," he said. Meanwhile, there are 16 people in the Faculty of Education and Psychology, 19 people in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 18 people in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, 13 people in the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, and 8 people in the Faculty of Economics and Business. Of the 116 scholarship recipients, 16 have graduated. ADik scholarships are affirmative in the form of Government Assistance to provide learning opportunities to students because of their conditions and existence so that they experience difficulties and affordability of access to education. The Higher Education Affirmation Program (ADik) is given to students who have difficulty accessing higher education, especially from the frontier, remote and underdeveloped areas.

One of the scholarship recipients, Dewi Arini Yuendita, chose to study at UNY because she had intended to study outside her place of origin. The alumni of SMAN 1 Sampang Madura took the chemistry education study program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and obtained a GPA of 3.74. These achievements were obtained from learning with friends face-to-face and during the covid-19 pandemic because the learning process took place online, she learned through YouTube and online discussions. "Before the exam, I learn from the powerpoint given by the lecturer," she said. Dewi hopes that in the future she can apply to PPG (teacher professional education) because it is more recognized if she wants to become a teacher. 

Ratih, Annisa