KPRI Mapan Sejahtera’s Annual General Meeting Closed the 2022 Book with a Surplus of 750 million

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“The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the highest forum to assess the evaluation and determine the direction of policies conducted by the cooperative management each year, therefore RAT KPRI Mapan Sejahtera 2022 is held as a form of accountability of the management and supervisory board of the cooperative-to-cooperative members as the highest power in the cooperative. This AGM was attended by 154 representatives from 1.538 KPRI members, it is also attended by the Office of Cooperatives and SMEs, the Regional Indonesian Cooperative Council (DEKOPINDA), and management as well as administrators of KPRI.”, said Penny Rahmawaty, S.E., M.Si., the KPRI Mapan Sejahtera board representative, as she gave her opening remark.

The chairman of the KPRI Mapan Sejahtera, Dr Siswanto, M.Pd., said in his speech that this year’s AGM was a means for the management and supervisory board and all members to show their gratitude to the Almighty God and continue to evaluate and improve as well as to prepare for the best possible plan so that the working concept of PASTI (Professional, Trustworthy, Prosperous, Organized, and Innovative) would be realized. “For the year 2022, the various business activities that we have presented in the report show that its income has reached Rp. 2.433.760.523 and a surplus of Rp. 751.064.379, thanks to the management and all members who have played an active role in raising our cooperative,” said Siswanto.

Representative of the Sleman Regency’s DEKOPINDA, Drs Sumadi also attended and congratulated KPRI Mapan Sejahtera for holding the AGM at the beginning of the year. He did that because the Permenkop and UKM No. 19 of the 2015 bill declared that if a cooperative institution is late in holding the AGM, there will be sanctions, moreover if they do not hold it at all. But KPRI Mapan Sejahtera has done its obligation in February. “I hope that this AGM will help the cooperative members being able to know about the annual report, then analyze it, and make joint decisions, as well as conducting a discussion forum for the sake of advancing KPRI Mapan Sejahtera” he opened.

“I personally appreciate the increase in the income of KPRI Mapan Sejahtera for the closing period of 2022, as it helps increase the amount of surplus that will be received by the members as it will also be increased from the previous year”, said the Rector of UNY in his speech. Professor Sumaryanto also hopes that in the future the cooperative board to be even more advanced and develop better. “Hopefully, the disappearance of the pandemic that has been hitting over the past few years will turn each business sector of KPRI Mapan Sejahtera stronger and more developed.”

Wening Widayati, S.Sos., M.Si., Cooperative Supervisor of Cooperative, Small and Medium Enterprises Office from the Sleman Regency, deliver congratulations from the Head of the SME Cooperative Office who was unable to attend the meeting, “Congratulations to KPRI Mapan Sejahtera Cooperative for holding the 2022 Book Closing AGM, for the increase in assets and surplus from 2021 to 2022, and the magnificent cash ratio. “We hope that in this AGM, members can see, study, and correct, or ask if there is something that you want to ask or discuss because all members are the owners and users of this KPRI Mapan Sejahtera,” he added.

Coming after the opening speeches, the event continued with a discussion meeting regarding the closing of the 2022 book report. The member representatives agreed to the report from the management and board of KPRI Mapan Sejahtera. They authorized the distribution of surplus following their respective proportions. Hopefully, with the realization of the 2022 Book Closing AGM KPRI Mapan Sejahtera, the welfare of its members will be able to be improved.

Sekar, Alif