UNY Students' Achievements in National Woodball Championship for Higher Education

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Woodball entered Indonesia in 2002, and on 2006 the Indonesia Woodball Association (IWBA) was born. Woodball has similarities with golf. In terms of equipment, Woodball uses balls, mallets, and gates, which are all made of wood. Historically, golf clubs are made of wood. But nowadays, most golfers use golf clubs made of steel, titanium, and other metals or carbon fiber. In terms of gameplay, if golf puts the ball in the hole, then woodball puts the ball into the gate.

Apart from the fact that woodball is a new sport, nine students of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) participated in the National Woodball Championship for Higher Education at Universitas Negeri Semarang and won 1 Silver Medal and 2 Bronze Medals. In the event, which took place from 22 to 24 July 2022, there were 103 participants from various universities.

UNY students participating in this program come from various study programs. They are M. Raihan Azka (Informatics Engineering), Amrullah Satyanugraha Hanuwardhana (Manufacturing Engineering), Ervia Febriani (Social Science Education), Ervia Febriani (Social Science Education), Clarissa Stephanie Chrisputri (Geography Education), Ludfita Amalia Putri (Physical, Health, and Recreation Education), Maretna Wulansari (Civics Education), Riski Tri Arsanto (Sports Coaching Education), , Andi Nico Herliawan (Elementary-School Teacher Education of Physical Education) and Irma Zahria Muslihah (Physical, Health, and Recreation Education). UNY students' achievement in woodball is the result of UNY's commitment to developing sports potential while encouraging the promotion of sports for health and achievement.

PD, Tj.Lak