The Daughter of a Sewing Worker Successfully Graduated from UNY with Bidikmisi Support

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Agus Siswanto and Mimin Jeminten were happy to see their daughter, Hesti Wulandari, graduate from UNY with a GPA of 3.87 cum laude predicate. Agus and Mimin used to worry about the tuition fees they had to pay so Hesti could study at UNY. Fortunately, Hesti received information on Bidikmisi educational assistance from her teacher at SMKN 7 Purworejo. As a result, Hesti was finally able to study at UNY with Bidikmisi. Bidikmisi is tuition assistance from the government for high school graduates (SMA) or equivalent who have good academic potential but have economic difficulties. In 2021, UNY received 1506 students who received Bidikmisi assistance.

While studying at UNY Hesti Wulandari was active in several student activity units, including the Technology Engineering Club, Archery Club, and Al Fatih Faculty of Economics Student activity. "My highest achievement index ever reached 4.00 in semester 7," she said. The tips for achieving such a high achievement index are always to do assignments after a lecture or during activities in a student club, study with discipline, especially when taking exams.

Hesti's desire after graduating with her bachelor's degree is to continue her master's degree in Masters in Accounting through the LPDP scholarship. Hesti's parents hope that Hesti can achieve her dream. "Hopefully, Hesti can have a better future than us," said Agus. 

Dedy, Tj.Lak