Gender Mainstreaming as a Local Development Strategy with a More Participatory Gender Perspective

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"Gender mainstreaming is a rational and systematic strategy to achieve gender equality and justice in aspects of human life through policies and programs that consider the experiences, aspirations, needs, and problems of women and men. Efforts to empower the roles of women and men in development can start from the planning, preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation stages of all policies," said Prof. Dr. Nahiyah Jaidi Faraz in the Workshop on Presentation of the Study on the Preparation of the Regional Action Plan for Gender Mainstreaming Madiun City on Thursday 2 June 2022.

"This study is to formulate gender-responsive policies, strategies, programs and activities that can be integrated into both intermediate (RPJMD) and annual (RKPD) budget planning documents in Madiun City," said Nahiyah. According to her, Gender Mainstreaming in every stage of development, especially in the planning process and policy formulation, is essential. This is intended so that the interests of women and men can be accommodated, so that both can enjoy the results of development in a balanced way.

Vice-Rector for Planning and Cooperation, Prof. Siswantoyo said that this activity was Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta's commitment to supporting the Madiun City Government in realizing sustainable development. "Life Expectancy in Madiun City is quite high, namely 72.81 years above the average for East Java Province so that it shows the government's performance that can create comfort and happiness in people's lives," said Prof. Siswantoyo. Prof. Siswantoyo hopes this study can become the basis for the Madiun City Government to take policies, especially regarding the Mayor's Regulation related to the Madiun City Gender Mainstreaming Regional Action Plan.

Head of the Madiun City Women's Empowerment Sector Hani Rachmawati, SE said the position of gender mainstreaming into the Madiun City Government budget plan 2019-2024 is manifested in the description of conditions, strategies, policy directions, programs and activities that always pay attention to access, participation, control and development benefits for men and women equally. "This is in accordance with the Regulation of the Mayor of Madiun City Number 53 of 2020 concerning realizing regional development planning with a gender perspective," she said. The aim is to provide a reference for local government officials in formulating gender integration strategies to realize gender-responsive regional budget management while increasing the role and independence of institutions that support women's empowerment. 

Dinar Ari Prasetyo, Tj.Lak